A five minute silence in the living room, no movement, statues all…
<< Wow! Are you going to say something?>> Sonap said impatiently
<< Do you mean that?>> she replied when she finally managed to speak
<< But what… it is impossible that I was joking about something like that…>> answered Pausanias
<< I accept!>>
Applause filled the venue, a hawk and a toucan embraced happily, Sonap began humming the wedding song and Panoraia passionately kissed Pausanias and so the preparations began quietly.
Their car was given to be decorated, and the wedding would take place near the beach where they saved Sonap, where there would be a church and they thought it would be a wonderful place to combine all the memories with that beach the “Gerakogyali” as she was now called in honor of Sonap the falcon man and their future best man, who was a proposal to both of them, this filled Sonap the falcon with great happiness, he was happy he could somehow say thank you for saving him that day, the happy who would now be part of their family, for days she sang and danced to them all, a girl friend of theirs had come to dance with them for good measure, when the girl came and started her magic dance Sonap melted like an ice cream that you had forgotten outside in the sun with 40 degrees, his eyes were glued on the girl, when he finally came off he turned to Pausanias…
<<Look Pausanias… how nice this girl dances, she’s wonderful>> said Sonap
<< Oh you see, I see you like the girl>>
<< Valid…what’s her name…>>
<< I say guess it yourself>>
<< Well let me try based on my feeling…Cheers..>>
<< That’s why I told you to guess it, well done! That’s her name! Don’t you come closer to dance together?>>
Without even answering he flew to her and everyone began to enjoy the new dance performance << The Hawk Dancer…>>